When you file a claim for a loss, the insurance company will send out an insurance company adjuster. His job is to represent the insurance company’s interests in the claim.
The adjusters will review the loss and adjust the claim. It is your job to attach a value to the loss. You have to present a claim to the adjuster. A contractor’s estimate will not suffice. The insurance company adjuster will come up with his values on your loss. The company adjuster is primarily concerned with making sure that the insurance company does not pay any more than they have to. This is where North Jersey Public Adjusters expertise comes in. We are on top of the ever changing construction costs throughout the industry.
We have experts in all areas of the claim process including building, inventory, commercial, and accounting claims. By preparing the claim the proper way from the beginning we can ensure a quick and equitable settlement. We analyze the claim and policy that covers it prior to preparing the claim. This insures that the company understands and reacts to the claim submitted.
North Jersey Public Adjusters will be with you every step of the way to be your advocate, answer all of your questions, and reduce your anxieties and concerns during a very emotional time.
After a loss, time does not stop. You have to continue your life, work and family routines. We take over the hardships of preparing a claim, meeting with insurance company personal and filing the required papers. We meet with the insurance company builders, inventory and fire experts. We prepare the building, inventory, business interruption and or loss of use claim. We negotiate with the isurance company in order to acquire a fair and equitable settlement on your behalf.